Sunday, May 15, 2011

ab2 - About some old DVD-R data

ab2 - About some old DVD-R data

First, on the previous post, "ab1" & "abo", Google/Blogger has recovered the lost post of Thursday May 12 2011. I got all excited for nothing. One should know better, that Google, with all their power and resources would have redundant data capabilities. (Thank you Google). One thing I didn't notice was the day I posted "ab1" happened to be Friday the 13th! This year, it is the only Friday the 13th on the calendar. Is this a coincidence? (There are no coincidences.). There is a small quirk in my "ab0" post's tag/label. The tag "cd-rom" now has two funny characters next to it:

Summary, Google/Blogger has efficiently and professionally dealt with the data loss and data recovery.

For today's post, "ab2", I want to document a similar issue as post "ab0", only that instead of data loss from a Cd-rom, I want to talk about data loss from a DVD-R disc. I have discovered 3 of my DVD-R discs are unreadable in my DVD-RW drive. These discs are approximately 3 and a half years old. When I burned them originally, I immediately verified the data after the burn. Recently, once inserted into the drive, the discs spins for 10 - 20 secconds, and then Windows thinks the discs are blank. The good news is that on a different computer & drive, the disc(s) becomes readable. I have been able therefore to recover this data. I don't know what to attribute this loss to. Perhaps one of my drive's has faulty/different laser alignment. Could it be due to DVD-R rot? Is there such a phenonmenon?

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