Friday, May 13, 2011

ab1 - Will Yesterday's Blogger Post Return

ab1 - Will Yesterday's Blogger Post Return?
Yesterday, Thursday, May12.2011 just before lunch time (so, approximately 27 hrs ago), I posted a short essay discussing data loss due to aged cd-r media discs, i.e., "Cd-rot". Today, when I clicked on my "blogspot" or the post's permalink is: , Blogger indicated that there is no such page. See the ScreenShot (sss):

A part of me thought I was becoming more insane than usual, because I remembered writing the post. After logging in & out to Blogger several times I went to the "dashboard" etc.. to see if my post was sent to "draft" status, but I could find no evidence.

Even as I write this, yesterday's post is still absent. (sss).

I am reassured after I searched for my post in Google, that evidence of its existence is shown.
Blogger-Buzz reassures posts' retrieval by explaining the technical difficulties: . .
Anyway, I am keeping my fingers crossed and I hope yesterday's post will return. Briefly the post was about how some of my 10 year old cd-r discs have deteriorated and the data/files is either partially or totally corrupt. I bear no hard-feelings against Blogger as they provide this wonderful service for free. I am not surprised that digital information is so fragile. I was somewhat stunned when I looked at my Blogspot and discovered my post was missing.

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