Tuesday, July 12, 2011

ab3 - nokia 2760 phone themes

ab3 - nokia 2760 phone themes

here are 2 links to folders containing my customized phone themes for the nokia2760 handset. There are 11 unique themes. Download them while you have a chance. (nothing lasts forever, especially digital data, and digital data sites!)

Some of these are unique mashups and some are 100% created from scratch. The ones that I have mashed-up are for the most part, altered to specifically fit the model-2760 phone. Ring-tones have been altered to suit my own tastes, but the ones that I enjoyed in the original theme remain. CREDITS & REFERENCES can be found inside the theme file listed in an .xml file.
Many of the source themes for these creations were downloaded from www.zedge.net, but not particularly for the model-2760 phone. Initially I intended to upload these themes TO zedge.net, but the site-software didnot appreciate my small screenshots so it automatically restricted/rejected the uploads.
There are eleven (11) themes as of today, July 12,2011:
1. Clownfish8 (fish)
2. Coleco4 (Colecovision flavor) -(made from scratch)
3. Fresh Air 2h (nature)
4. HKitty Anim 1r (HelloKitty - mix)
5. HodgePodge10 (some of my favorite manga et al misc)
6. HybridHKitty7 (HelloKitty - pink)
7. MrDoDiamond3 (Colecovision Mr.Do) - (made from scratch)
8. NeonColse 2i (neon art flavor)
9. Penguins7 (penguins) - (made from scratch)
10. RainbowKitty 23i (HelloKitty -rainbow)
11. StarTrek2760 ae (mashup of Star Trek pics etc)

Here is the link to the sharing folder "nokia2760themes" on www.box.net :

here is the same same box.net folder, "nokia2760themes" embed into this blog post entry & its "embed" code:
<embed src="http://www.box.net//static/flash/box_explorer.swf?widget_hash=9ju2gcftbhlcqgxbvux9&v=0&cl=0&s=0" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="220" width="300"></embed>

Here is the link to the sharing folder, "nokia2760theme", (for redundancy) on www.mediafire.com:

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